The name of the game is Eat in Season. It is, for sure, a game. Just when you think you have eaten all the squash, there's more. Just when you think you can't eat anymore squash, there's more. Squash on the grill, roasted squash, curried squash, sauteed squash, stuffed squash. Raw squash. Yup. And then finally, just when you want more squash, there's none. It's best not played alone. In fact, the main objective in this game is to find the most amount of people in the world who want to eat squash. These people are hiding everywhere. They are rich and poor, old and young. This game inevitably becomes a story about both patience and indulgence. It's about knowing what other players are charging to get rid of their squash. Yes, get rid. Ultimately, it becomes about giving squash away to the community that can't afford your squash, but that wants to be eating in season. One needs to be both gluttonous and reserved to play this game. Also, we must not be too picky. Squash will come and squash we will eat. Tomatoes will come and tomatoes we will eat. Radish season was tough for me, but I got through it. Squash squash squash right now. I want to eat a tomato. I stopped buying them at the store a while back in anticipation of tomater season. Has tomato season arrived? For some it has. For us, we've eaten one cherry tomato. One. 1. Uno. Life gives you lemons, they say make lemonade. Life gives you squash, makes some squash pie, squash pancakes, squash art, squash paper, wash your clothes with squash. Dreams of salsa and gazpacho while I eat another eight ball.