Let's Advertise, Yes?

Greetings from a tall corn field.  

It's impossible to imagine that these fields were empty four months ago.

We needed signs, so we made some signs.  

We still need to ask permission from landowners to see if we can put some up on the southbound side of 11/15.  The northbound side is looking perty.

We needed brochures for the local health food store and some restaurants, so we did a large scale printing of them.  

Then, we delivered them.

We made postcards to hand out to everyone we've ever met and ever meet.  We will go to art fairs and festivals, and hand them out.  If you are reading this, I hope you have a postcard.

We needed a CSA sign-up form, because there's interest.  So, we wrote one up and printed some.  Now, we can send info packets out to everyone who inquires about our indestructible, unstoppable vegetables.  Did you know we figured out a way to prevent them from ever rotting?  Tricks of the trade.  Eternal immortal vegetables.  Errr... umm... sure.

Here are some photos.  Share them with your grandchildren.  Or your pets.