We basically opened up a lemonade stand earlier today. I think charging people 25 cents per cup was too little, you know, because those were organic lemons. Right. I wish we could grow lemons. I also wish we could legally sell lemonade. I believe we are prohibited to sell processed food at this point. Five year olds are breaking laws, man. I'm not bitter.
Anyway, we opened up for business yesterday! It was our first official harvest day and it was more bountiful than initially suspected. Chard, kale, kohrabi, salad mix, scallions, radishes, sage, chives and senposai were all for sale under a bright white tent. It was hot, but we did good business. We made a lot more than twelve dollars, which was all I was hoping for for day one. Lots of neighbors stopped in to say how nice the farm and our plot have been looking. Lots of people asking us who the hell we are. A couple Jersey jokes. Lots of people telling stories of my grandparents, remembering them sweetly. Lots of people excited for us, wishing us the best and offering great suggestions. If you ever want to meet your neighbors, open up a stand in your front lawn and sell something. People come out of the woodwork. This season, we anticipate being open Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Mondays we'll bring extras to a local food bank. It feels great to have finally sold something. All that money out, and finally we see something come back in. We should frame that first dollar, that's for sure. We are trying our best to get the word out about the CSA we hope to run next year. It's tough to explain it all in a brief encounter, which is why we'll have flyers for next week. Next week, we will also put up signs on the main highway announcing these vegetables, herbs and flowers. The best thing about this farm stand is that we can learn each week and make a change for the following week.